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Bois de joli cœur ou Bois de mangue – Zoli kèr (Pittosporum senacia)
Bois de Joli Coeur is a native plant from Reunion and Mauritus island traditionally used for its depurative properties. In internal use, the leaves’ infusion decongests the liver and favors the secretion and excretion of bile. It’s also useful against asthma and rheumatism. It lowers fever and often composes the “tizan refroidismen”.
In external use, it’s used to clean the skin and treat juvenile acne.
-Internal use : 3 cs for 1L of water and bring to a simmer ( don’t boil), let infuse with the lid 15 min and drink throughout the day ( max 3 days)
-External use : use the leaves decoction in compresses to apply on the skin
Warning :the plant is rich in saponosides, its internal use must remain punctual and limited.